5 ways to look after yourself and the planet
Climate change is the single biggest threat to humanity. The theme this year for World Health Day set by WHO is Our Planet, Our Health. With 90% of us breathing polluted air it's clear to see that the climate crisis is also a health crisis.
For World Health Day, we've put together a list of 5 ways you can help the planet and care for yourself at the same time.
1. Turn down the heating
19% of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions are a direct result of heating our homes and the workplace. If everyone turned down room temperature by 1 degrees, we would save the UK 1.18 million tonnes of CO2. Turning down the heating can also help improve the quality of your sleep by increasing melatonin production, it can also help prevent dehydration as you'll be colder during the night. Click here for some tips on sleeping better.
2. Eat more greens
Through eating a plant-based diet, you lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer. A high meat diet produces approximately 2.5 times more greenhouse gas emissions than a vegan equivalent.
3. Walk or use public transport
Transportation produces around 20% of global carbon emissions. Try to walk or bike to work at least once a week and use public transport when you can. Not only will this be beneficial for your cardiovascular health but for the planet too. Reducing emissions helps to clean the air we breathe and can help to lessen the impact of respiratory illnesses.
4. Eat less junk food
Systems that produce unhealthy and highly processed foods are driving obesity, increasing cancer and cardiovascular disease. In addition to this, they are directly contributing to a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Stay healthy people.
5. Smoking kills trees, and people
Tobacco kills 600 million trees and over 8 million people each year. Kick the habit for yourself and the planet.
World Health Organisation.